Sam was honored to be the subject of a documentary! Sarah Taschetta is a talented local film student who will be attending Columbia College Chicago in the fall. When she asked Sam about featuring him in a short film, he said, "Of course!" Here's the result of her hard work.
Part of what Sam and I have loved about the experience has been reading people's varied responses to the film, including what they have written when sharing the film on social media. Here are a few of our favorites:
"This. Hear people’s stories. Everyone has one."
"'Everyone is important...' Yes, Sam. Inspiring short film!"
"Amazing. Uttterly moved and completely inspired by this."
"Watch at your own risk--it will bring tears to your eyes. Sam wants to honor God and inspire others, and he does!
"We all have a voice."
"This is the best thing you'll watch today."
"This is a great video. So often someone with Down syndrome is treated as incapable of greatness, when in reality they can be someone who is extraordinary. Here is a link to Sam’s blog, which features interviews and posts with some of these extraordinary people:"
Hope you enjoy!