In My Own Words: People With Down Syndrome is a blog dedicated to sharing the stories, reflections, and perspectives of people with Down syndrome, as expressed in interviews.
“Acting is my favorite thing to do. My two favorite characters to pretend to be are the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and Shrek. I am playing a weasel right now in The Wind in the Willows. It’s with All for One Productions. We have six real performances. I like playing the Weasel, especially when I get to sneak up behind Rat to scare her!
“I’m a junior in high school. The hardest thing in school for me is math because math is hard. Bowling is my favorite sport. I bowl every Saturday. I also like to cook in the kitchen. I like to make ravioli, fajitas, and guacamole.
“I think the most important thing in life is God, because we can trust Him and we love Him. He’s almighty. We listen to God and sing to Him. He is strong and He will be your friend. He will comfort you when you are afraid.”