In My Own Words: People With Down Syndrome is a blog dedicated to sharing the stories, reflections, and perspectives of people with Down syndrome, as expressed in interviews.
What’s your secret? “I eat a lot of salads. I like to eat healthy. I also stay very active. I do Special Olympics volleyball, basketball, hockey, bowling, track and field, and soccer. I have a daily routine. I walk and run on the treadmill for 15 minutes in the morning, and I lift weights.”
What’s been the hardest challenge you’ve had to face—and what has helped get you through? “Some of my friends moved away and that was the hardest time for me. I got through that with my family and my life coach. I’ve learned it’s OK to tell other people that I do miss them.”
Out of all the people you’ve met over the years, who is it you most admire? “I most admire all my friends, and my best friends, my family, and my dad. My dad has had the biggest impact. My dad helped me create the dream of my restaurant. I call my dad my superhero for all that.”
Tell us your dream—what’s on your bucket list? “I have some big dreams. I want to get married and be a dad one day. I also want to become a businessman and travel more. I really enjoy traveling.”